Thursday, February 7, 2008

Want A Snack???

It's that time of day, you know the time...when you're "munchie hungry." In the mood for something sweet, something salty, something crunchy....just something. What to do, what to do. So do you hit up the vending machine and feel guilty the minute you finish chewing? OR do you pick a healthy snack. Well I have a snack for you that will keep your "diet" or healthy eating change on track. VitaTops that's right they are tops of muffins (the best part if you ask me). And they are only 100 calories. If you act now you can save 10% with this Hip and Trendy WEB COUPON: Enter coupon code MFS033108 and receive 10% off - remember it is only valid on the website. Here's to healthy snacking!

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